Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trump Lawyer: Only Buildings Named After Obama are in Africa

Go figure!? Go Donald!

Trump Lawyer: Only Buildings Named After Obama are in Africa

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Only 7% Think Government Employees Work Harder Than Those in Private Sector

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, government accounts for about 8% of jobs in the United States. Here's the breakdown using numbers easily accessible on the BLS website (all numbers from 2006 or 2007):

1,774,000 Federal government civilian employees, excluding Post Office
615,000 Post Office
1,172,913 Military enlisted
230,577 Military Officers
2,424,000 State government (excluding education and hospitals)
5,594,000 Local government (excluding education and hospitals)
That's a total of 11,810,490 government jobs.
The total number of jobs in the U.S. in 2006 was 150,600,000, so government employment makes up 7.84% of all jobs.
In 2007, the U.S. population (according to the Census Bureau) was 301,621,157, so about 4% of Americans are employed by the government.

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Only 7% Think Government Employees Work Harder Than Those in Private Sector

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Blacks Flee Blue States in Droves

Needs no comment, except the Republican Party arose to free the slaves under President Lincoln.

Blacks Flee Blue States in Droves

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Help Us Get the Word Out!

A Poll.

Help Us Get the Word Out!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

49 U.S. Representatives Ask Court to Toss ObamaCare

49 U.S. Representatives Ask Court to Toss ObamaCare

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The Eyes of Texas Are Sparkling in the 2010 Census - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

"The eight states with no state income tax grew 18 percent in the last decade. The other states (including the District of Columbia) grew just 8 percent.

"The 22 states with right-to-work laws grew 15 percent in the last decade. The other states grew just 6 percent.

"The 16 states where collective bargaining with public employees is not required grew 15 percent in the last decade. The other states grew 7 percent."

The Eyes of Texas Are Sparkling in the 2010 Census - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Desert Rat | Personal Liberty Digest

What are we doing, not just in Libya, but in the world? We are a Second World nation; not much better than an African nation.

The Desert Rat | Personal Liberty Digest

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Wal-Mart Moments at the White House « Entire Family with Lyme Disease

Please, Dear God, tell me these have been Photoshopped!

Wal-Mart Moments at the White House « Entire Family with Lyme Disease

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Obama Spurns Suggestion That He Return Nobel Because of Libya

It's MY Money and I'm gonna keep it!
Obama Spurns Suggestion That He Return Nobel Because of Libya

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Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate, Governors & State Legislators

Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate, Governors & State Legislators

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Obama’s Libyan Intervention Has Lowest Approval of Any Military Op Polled by Gallup in 4 Decades |

Smart people do not approve of stupidity.

Obama’s Libyan Intervention Has Lowest Approval of Any Military Op Polled by Gallup in 4 Decades |

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President Barack Obama locked out of White House

We can permanently lock him out in 2012!

President Barack Obama locked out of White House

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Why Are the Media Ignoring Plans By George Soros to Remake the Entire Global Economy? -

George Soros is the most dangerous man alive today and seems to be the money behind Big "0".

Why Are the Media Ignoring Plans By George Soros to Remake the Entire Global Economy? -

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