Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Six Seconds to Live | The American Legion | Veterans Serving Veterans

Too good not to share. Read the entire article. If you cannot read it all, at least read starting about two-thrids down at "A few minutes later, a large blue truck turned down the alleyway..."

Six Seconds to Live | The American Legion | Veterans Serving Veterans

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Why doesn’t Gov want you to have a passport? – Glenn Beck

Big "0" is just bitter and jealous because most others can document their birth, etc., and he CAN'T!

Why doesn’t Gov want you to have a passport? – Glenn Beck

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Monday, April 25, 2011

www.honeyshack.net/MatriculaConsular ID.pdf

When did we surrender???? Not sure about the date - August 2010?
When will we, as American citizens demand that our government secure our borders? Please pass this on to everyone you know. If you will note at the end of this email that the cards the illegal Mexicans are receiving by the Mexican consulate will enable them to our financial system which by other information means to our social security, welfare, free hospital care, etc. and they are doing this on USA property and ordering our citizens around like they own the place.
www.honeyshack.net/MatriculaConsular ID.pdf

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White House Blasts Franklin Graham for Birther Comment

White House Blasts Franklin Graham for Birther Comment

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Norquist: Ryan Budget Has Obama Running Scared

Norquist: Ryan Budget Has Obama Running Scared

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Hawaii senator questions Obama's true birth father

Hawaii senator questions Obama's true birth father

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Friday, April 22, 2011


As the Debt Ceiling, the 2012 Budget and the current regulatory attacks on the 2nd Amendment come into sharp focus, here is a great resource to use in communicating with elected officials.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

IT’S NO DEAL, IT’S A SELLOUT at DickMorris.com

NO MORE POLITICIANS!! Give me a person of decisiveness and action. A person who stands for something decent and honest; not one who falls for empty promises.

IT’S NO DEAL, IT’S A SELLOUT at DickMorris.com

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: conspiracy and cowardice

So, if Big "0" isn't our first African-American President, does that make him our first African President/King/Dictator?

Obama’s ineligibility: conspiracy and cowardice

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